Source code for javaproperties.xmlprops

from __future__ import annotations
from import Callable, Iterable, Iterator, Mapping
from typing import AnyStr, BinaryIO, IO, Optional, TypeVar, overload
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from xml.sax.saxutils import escape, quoteattr
from .util import itemize

T = TypeVar("T")

def load_xml(fp: IO) -> dict[str, str]: ...

def load_xml(fp: IO, object_pairs_hook: type[T]) -> T: ...

def load_xml(
    fp: IO, object_pairs_hook: Callable[[Iterator[tuple[str, str]]], T]
) -> T: ...

[docs] def load_xml(fp, object_pairs_hook=dict): # type: ignore[no-untyped-def] r""" Parse the contents of the file-like object ``fp`` as an XML properties file and return a `dict` of the key-value pairs. Beyond basic XML well-formedness, `load_xml` only checks that the root element is named "``properties``" and that all of its ``<entry>`` children have ``key`` attributes. No further validation is performed; if any ``<entry>``\s happen to contain nested tags, the behavior is undefined. By default, the key-value pairs extracted from ``fp`` are combined into a `dict` with later occurrences of a key overriding previous occurrences of the same key. To change this behavior, pass a callable as the ``object_pairs_hook`` argument; it will be called with one argument, a generator of ``(key, value)`` pairs representing the key-value entries in ``fp`` (including duplicates) in order of occurrence. `load_xml` will then return the value returned by ``object_pairs_hook``. :param IO fp: the file from which to read the XML properties document :param callable object_pairs_hook: class or function for combining the key-value pairs :rtype: `dict` or the return value of ``object_pairs_hook`` :raises ValueError: if the root of the XML tree is not a ``<properties>`` tag or an ``<entry>`` element is missing a ``key`` attribute """ tree = ET.parse(fp) return object_pairs_hook(_fromXML(tree.getroot()))
@overload def loads_xml(s: AnyStr) -> dict[str, str]: ... @overload def loads_xml(fp: IO, object_pairs_hook: type[T]) -> T: ... @overload def loads_xml( s: AnyStr, object_pairs_hook: Callable[[Iterator[tuple[str, str]]], T] ) -> T: ...
[docs] def loads_xml(s, object_pairs_hook=dict): # type: ignore[no-untyped-def] r""" Parse the contents of the string ``s`` as an XML properties document and return a `dict` of the key-value pairs. Beyond basic XML well-formedness, `loads_xml` only checks that the root element is named "``properties``" and that all of its ``<entry>`` children have ``key`` attributes. No further validation is performed; if any ``<entry>``\s happen to contain nested tags, the behavior is undefined. By default, the key-value pairs extracted from ``s`` are combined into a `dict` with later occurrences of a key overriding previous occurrences of the same key. To change this behavior, pass a callable as the ``object_pairs_hook`` argument; it will be called with one argument, a generator of ``(key, value)`` pairs representing the key-value entries in ``s`` (including duplicates) in order of occurrence. `loads_xml` will then return the value returned by ``object_pairs_hook``. :param Union[str,bytes] s: the string from which to read the XML properties document :param callable object_pairs_hook: class or function for combining the key-value pairs :rtype: `dict` or the return value of ``object_pairs_hook`` :raises ValueError: if the root of the XML tree is not a ``<properties>`` tag or an ``<entry>`` element is missing a ``key`` attribute """ elem = ET.fromstring(s) return object_pairs_hook(_fromXML(elem))
def _fromXML(root: ET.Element) -> Iterator[tuple[str, str]]: if root.tag != "properties": raise ValueError("XML tree is not rooted at <properties>") for entry in root.findall("entry"): key = entry.get("key") if key is None: raise ValueError('<entry> is missing "key" attribute') yield (key, entry.text or "")
[docs] def dump_xml( props: Mapping[str, str] | Iterable[tuple[str, str]], fp: BinaryIO, comment: Optional[str] = None, encoding: str = "UTF-8", sort_keys: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Write a series ``props`` of key-value pairs to a binary filehandle ``fp`` in the format of an XML properties file. The file will include both an XML declaration and a doctype declaration. :param props: A mapping or iterable of ``(key, value)`` pairs to write to ``fp``. All keys and values in ``props`` must be `str` values. If ``sort_keys`` is `False`, the entries are output in iteration order. :param BinaryIO fp: a file-like object to write the values of ``props`` to :param Optional[str] comment: if non-`None`, ``comment`` will be output as a ``<comment>`` element before the ``<entry>`` elements :param str encoding: the name of the encoding to use for the XML document (also included in the XML declaration) :param bool sort_keys: if true, the elements of ``props`` are sorted lexicographically by key in the output :return: `None` """ # This gives type errors <>: # fptxt = codecs.lookup(encoding).streamwriter(fp, errors='xmlcharrefreplace') # print('<?xml version="1.0" encoding={0} standalone="no"?>' # .format(quoteattr(encoding)), file=fptxt) # for s in _stream_xml(props, comment, sort_keys): # print(s, file=fptxt) fp.write( '<?xml version="1.0" encoding={0} standalone="no"?>\n'.format( quoteattr(encoding) ).encode(encoding, "xmlcharrefreplace") ) for s in _stream_xml(props, comment, sort_keys): fp.write((s + "\n").encode(encoding, "xmlcharrefreplace"))
[docs] def dumps_xml( props: Mapping[str, str] | Iterable[tuple[str, str]], comment: Optional[str] = None, sort_keys: bool = False, ) -> str: """ Convert a series ``props`` of key-value pairs to a `str` containing an XML properties document. The document will include a doctype declaration but not an XML declaration. :param props: A mapping or iterable of ``(key, value)`` pairs to serialize. All keys and values in ``props`` must be `str` values. If ``sort_keys`` is `False`, the entries are output in iteration order. :param Optional[str] comment: if non-`None`, ``comment`` will be output as a ``<comment>`` element before the ``<entry>`` elements :param bool sort_keys: if true, the elements of ``props`` are sorted lexicographically by key in the output :rtype: str """ return "".join(s + "\n" for s in _stream_xml(props, comment, sort_keys))
def _stream_xml( props: Mapping[str, str] | Iterable[tuple[str, str]], comment: Optional[str] = None, sort_keys: bool = False, ) -> Iterator[str]: yield '<!DOCTYPE properties SYSTEM "">' yield "<properties>" if comment is not None: yield "<comment>" + escape(comment) + "</comment>" for k, v in itemize(props, sort_keys=sort_keys): yield "<entry key={0}>{1}</entry>".format(quoteattr(k), escape(v)) yield "</properties>"