Source code for javaproperties.writing

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from   __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals
from   datetime   import datetime
import numbers
import re
import time
from   six        import StringIO
from   .util      import itemize

[docs]def dump(props, fp, separator='=', comments=None, timestamp=True, sort_keys=False, ensure_ascii=True, ensure_ascii_comments=None): """ Write a series of key-value pairs to a file in simple line-oriented ``.properties`` format. .. versionchanged:: 0.6.0 ``ensure_ascii`` and ``ensure_ascii_comments`` parameters added :param props: A mapping or iterable of ``(key, value)`` pairs to write to ``fp``. All keys and values in ``props`` must be text strings. If ``sort_keys`` is `False`, the entries are output in iteration order. :param fp: A file-like object to write the values of ``props`` to. It must have been opened as a text file. :param separator: The string to use for separating keys & values. Only ``" "``, ``"="``, and ``":"`` (possibly with added whitespace) should ever be used as the separator. :type separator: text string :param comments: if non-`None`, ``comments`` will be written to ``fp`` as a comment before any other content :type comments: text string or `None` :param timestamp: If neither `None` nor `False`, a timestamp in the form of ``Mon Sep 02 14:00:54 EDT 2016`` is written as a comment to ``fp`` after ``comments`` (if any) and before the key-value pairs. If ``timestamp`` is `True`, the current date & time is used. If it is a number, it is converted from seconds since the epoch to local time. If it is a `datetime.datetime` object, its value is used directly, with naïve objects assumed to be in the local timezone. :type timestamp: `None`, `bool`, number, or `datetime.datetime` :param bool sort_keys: if true, the elements of ``props`` are sorted lexicographically by key in the output :param bool ensure_ascii: if true, all non-ASCII characters will be replaced with ``\\uXXXX`` escape sequences in the output; if false, non-ASCII characters will be passed through as-is :param ensure_ascii_comments: if true, all non-ASCII characters in ``comments`` will be replaced with ``\\uXXXX`` escape sequences in the output; if `None`, only non-Latin-1 characters will be escaped; if false, no characters will be escaped :return: `None` """ if comments is not None: print(to_comment(comments, ensure_ascii=ensure_ascii_comments), file=fp) if timestamp is not None and timestamp is not False: print(to_comment(java_timestamp(timestamp)), file=fp) for k,v in itemize(props, sort_keys=sort_keys): print( join_key_value(k, v, separator, ensure_ascii=ensure_ascii), file=fp, )
[docs]def dumps(props, separator='=', comments=None, timestamp=True, sort_keys=False, ensure_ascii=True, ensure_ascii_comments=None): """ Convert a series of key-value pairs to a text string in simple line-oriented ``.properties`` format. .. versionchanged:: 0.6.0 ``ensure_ascii`` and ``ensure_ascii_comments`` parameters added :param props: A mapping or iterable of ``(key, value)`` pairs to serialize. All keys and values in ``props`` must be text strings. If ``sort_keys`` is `False`, the entries are output in iteration order. :param separator: The string to use for separating keys & values. Only ``" "``, ``"="``, and ``":"`` (possibly with added whitespace) should ever be used as the separator. :type separator: text string :param comments: if non-`None`, ``comments`` will be output as a comment before any other content :type comments: text string or `None` :param timestamp: If neither `None` nor `False`, a timestamp in the form of ``Mon Sep 02 14:00:54 EDT 2016`` is output as a comment after ``comments`` (if any) and before the key-value pairs. If ``timestamp`` is `True`, the current date & time is used. If it is a number, it is converted from seconds since the epoch to local time. If it is a `datetime.datetime` object, its value is used directly, with naïve objects assumed to be in the local timezone. :type timestamp: `None`, `bool`, number, or `datetime.datetime` :param bool sort_keys: if true, the elements of ``props`` are sorted lexicographically by key in the output :param bool ensure_ascii: if true, all non-ASCII characters will be replaced with ``\\uXXXX`` escape sequences in the output; if false, non-ASCII characters will be passed through as-is :param ensure_ascii_comments: if true, all non-ASCII characters in ``comments`` will be replaced with ``\\uXXXX`` escape sequences in the output; if `None`, only non-Latin-1 characters will be escaped; if false, no characters will be escaped :rtype: text string """ s = StringIO() dump(props, s, separator=separator, comments=comments, timestamp=timestamp, sort_keys=sort_keys, ensure_ascii=ensure_ascii, ensure_ascii_comments=ensure_ascii_comments) return s.getvalue()
NON_ASCII_RGX = re.compile(r'[^\x00-\x7F]') NON_LATIN1_RGX = re.compile(r'[^\x00-\xFF]') NEWLINE_OLD_COMMENT_RGX = re.compile(r'\n(?![#!])') NON_N_EOL_RGX = re.compile(r'\r\n?')
[docs]def to_comment(comment, ensure_ascii=None): """ Convert a string to a ``.properties`` file comment. Non-Latin-1 or non-ASCII characters in the string may be escaped using ``\\uXXXX`` escapes (depending on the value of ``ensure_ascii``), a ``#`` is prepended to the string, any CR LF or CR line breaks in the string are converted to LF, and a ``#`` is inserted after any line break not already followed by a ``#`` or ``!``. No trailing newline is added. >>> to_comment('They say foo=bar,\\r\\nbut does bar=foo?') '#They say foo=bar,\\n#but does bar=foo?' .. versionchanged:: 0.6.0 ``ensure_ascii`` parameter added :param comment: the string to convert to a comment :type comment: text string :param ensure_ascii: if true, all non-ASCII characters will be replaced with ``\\uXXXX`` escape sequences in the output; if `None`, only non-Latin-1 characters will be escaped; if false, no characters will be escaped :rtype: text string """ comment = NON_N_EOL_RGX.sub('\n', comment) comment = NEWLINE_OLD_COMMENT_RGX.sub('\n#', comment) if ensure_ascii is None: comment = NON_LATIN1_RGX.sub(_esc, comment) elif ensure_ascii: comment = NON_ASCII_RGX.sub(_esc, comment) return '#' + comment
[docs]def join_key_value(key, value, separator='=', ensure_ascii=True): r""" Join a key and value together into a single line suitable for adding to a simple line-oriented ``.properties`` file. No trailing newline is added. >>> join_key_value('possible separators', '= : space') 'possible\\ separators=\\= \\: space' .. versionchanged:: 0.6.0 ``ensure_ascii`` parameter added :param key: the key :type key: text string :param value: the value :type value: text string :param separator: the string to use for separating the key & value. Only ``" "``, ``"="``, and ``":"`` (possibly with added whitespace) should ever be used as the separator. :type separator: text string :param bool ensure_ascii: if true, all non-ASCII characters will be replaced with ``\\uXXXX`` escape sequences in the output; if false, non-ASCII characters will be passed through as-is :rtype: text string """ # Escapes `key` and `value` the same way as value = _base_escape(value, ensure_ascii=ensure_ascii) if value.startswith(' '): value = '\\' + value return escape(key, ensure_ascii=ensure_ascii) + separator + value
_escapes = { '\t': r'\t', '\n': r'\n', '\f': r'\f', '\r': r'\r', '!': r'\!', '#': r'\#', ':': r'\:', '=': r'\=', '\\': r'\\', } def _esc(m): c = try: return _escapes[c] except KeyError: return _to_u_escape(c) def _to_u_escape(c): c = ord(c) if c > 0xFFFF: # Does Python really not have a decent builtin way to calculate # surrogate pairs? assert c <= 0x10FFFF c -= 0x10000 return '\\u{0:04x}\\u{1:04x}'.format( 0xD800 + (c >> 10), 0xDC00 + (c & 0x3FF) ) else: return '\\u{0:04x}'.format(c) NEEDS_ESCAPE_ASCII_RGX = re.compile(r'[^\x20-\x7E]|[\\#!=:]') NEEDS_ESCAPE_UNICODE_RGX = re.compile(r'[\x00-\x1F\x7F]|[\\#!=:]') def _base_escape(field, ensure_ascii=True): rgx = NEEDS_ESCAPE_ASCII_RGX if ensure_ascii else NEEDS_ESCAPE_UNICODE_RGX return rgx.sub(_esc, field)
[docs]def escape(field, ensure_ascii=True): """ Escape a string so that it can be safely used as either a key or value in a ``.properties`` file. All non-ASCII characters, all nonprintable or space characters, and the characters ``\\ # ! = :`` are all escaped using either the single-character escapes recognized by `unescape` (when they exist) or ``\\uXXXX`` escapes (after converting non-BMP characters to surrogate pairs). .. versionchanged:: 0.6.0 ``ensure_ascii`` parameter added :param field: the string to escape :type field: text string :param bool ensure_ascii: if true, all non-ASCII characters will be replaced with ``\\uXXXX`` escape sequences in the output; if false, non-ASCII characters will be passed through as-is :rtype: text string """ return _base_escape(field, ensure_ascii=ensure_ascii).replace(' ', r'\ ')
DAYS_OF_WEEK = ['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun'] MONTHS = [ 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec', ]
[docs]def java_timestamp(timestamp=True): """ .. versionadded:: 0.2.0 Returns a timestamp in the format produced by |date_tostring|_, e.g.:: Mon Sep 02 14:00:54 EDT 2016 If ``timestamp`` is `True` (the default), the current date & time is returned. If ``timestamp`` is `None` or `False`, an empty string is returned. If ``timestamp`` is a number, it is converted from seconds since the epoch to local time. If ``timestamp`` is a `datetime.datetime` object, its value is used directly, with naïve objects assumed to be in the local timezone. The timestamp is always constructed using the C locale. :param timestamp: the date & time to display :type timestamp: `None`, `bool`, number, or `datetime.datetime` :rtype: text string .. |date_tostring| replace:: Java 8's ``Date.toString()`` .. _date_tostring: """ if timestamp is None or timestamp is False: return '' if isinstance(timestamp, datetime) and timestamp.tzinfo is not None: timebits = timestamp.timetuple() # Assumes `timestamp.tzinfo.tzname()` is meaningful/useful tzname = timestamp.tzname() else: if timestamp is True: timestamp = None elif isinstance(timestamp, datetime): try: # Use `datetime.timestamp()` if it's available, as it (unlike # `datetime.timetuple()`) takes `fold` into account for naïve # datetimes timestamp = timestamp.timestamp() except AttributeError: # Pre-Python 3.3 # Mapping `timetuple` through `mktime` and `localtime` is # necessary for determining whether DST is in effect (which, in # turn, is necessary for determining which timezone name to # use). The only downside to using standard functions instead # of `python-dateutil` is that `mktime`, apparently, handles # times duplicated by DST non-deterministically (cf. # <>), but there's no right way to deal # with those anyway, so... timestamp = time.mktime(timestamp.timetuple()) elif not isinstance(timestamp, numbers.Number): raise TypeError('Timestamp must be number or datetime.datetime') timebits = time.localtime(timestamp) try: tzname = timebits.tm_zone except AttributeError: # This assumes that `time.tzname` is meaningful/useful. tzname = time.tzname[timebits.tm_isdst > 0] assert 1 <= timebits.tm_mon <= 12, 'invalid month' assert 0 <= timebits.tm_wday <= 6, 'invalid day of week' return '{wday} {mon} {t.tm_mday:02d}' \ ' {t.tm_hour:02d}:{t.tm_min:02d}:{t.tm_sec:02d}' \ ' {tz} {t.tm_year:04d}'.format( t=timebits, tz=tzname, mon=MONTHS[timebits.tm_mon-1], wday=DAYS_OF_WEEK[timebits.tm_wday] )
[docs]def javapropertiesreplace_errors(e): """ .. versionadded:: 0.6.0 Implements the ``'javapropertiesreplace'`` error handling (for text encodings only): unencodable characters are replaced by ``\\uXXXX`` escape sequences (with non-BMP characters converted to surrogate pairs first) """ if isinstance(e, UnicodeEncodeError): return (''.join(map(_to_u_escape, e.object[e.start:e.end])), e.end) else: raise e