Source code for javaproperties.xmlprops

import sys
from   typing                import AnyStr, BinaryIO, Callable, IO, Optional, \
                                Type, TypeVar, Union, overload
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from   xml.sax.saxutils      import escape, quoteattr
from   .util                 import itemize

if sys.version_info[:2] >= (3,9):
    from import Iterable, Iterator, Mapping
    Dict = dict
    Tuple = tuple
    from typing import Dict, Iterable, Iterator, Tuple, Mapping

T = TypeVar('T')

def load_xml(fp: IO) -> Dict[str, str]:

def load_xml(fp: IO, object_pairs_hook: Type[T]) -> T:

def load_xml(fp: IO, object_pairs_hook: Callable[[Iterator[Tuple[str,str]]], T]) -> T:

[docs]def load_xml(fp, object_pairs_hook=dict): # type: ignore[no-untyped-def] r""" Parse the contents of the file-like object ``fp`` as an XML properties file and return a `dict` of the key-value pairs. Beyond basic XML well-formedness, `load_xml` only checks that the root element is named "``properties``" and that all of its ``<entry>`` children have ``key`` attributes. No further validation is performed; if any ``<entry>``\s happen to contain nested tags, the behavior is undefined. By default, the key-value pairs extracted from ``fp`` are combined into a `dict` with later occurrences of a key overriding previous occurrences of the same key. To change this behavior, pass a callable as the ``object_pairs_hook`` argument; it will be called with one argument, a generator of ``(key, value)`` pairs representing the key-value entries in ``fp`` (including duplicates) in order of occurrence. `load_xml` will then return the value returned by ``object_pairs_hook``. :param IO fp: the file from which to read the XML properties document :param callable object_pairs_hook: class or function for combining the key-value pairs :rtype: `dict` or the return value of ``object_pairs_hook`` :raises ValueError: if the root of the XML tree is not a ``<properties>`` tag or an ``<entry>`` element is missing a ``key`` attribute """ tree = ET.parse(fp) return object_pairs_hook(_fromXML(tree.getroot()))
@overload def loads_xml(s: AnyStr) -> Dict[str, str]: ... @overload def loads_xml(fp: IO, object_pairs_hook: Type[T]) -> T: ... @overload def loads_xml(s: AnyStr, object_pairs_hook: Callable[[Iterator[Tuple[str,str]]], T]) -> T: ...
[docs]def loads_xml(s, object_pairs_hook=dict): # type: ignore[no-untyped-def] r""" Parse the contents of the string ``s`` as an XML properties document and return a `dict` of the key-value pairs. Beyond basic XML well-formedness, `loads_xml` only checks that the root element is named "``properties``" and that all of its ``<entry>`` children have ``key`` attributes. No further validation is performed; if any ``<entry>``\s happen to contain nested tags, the behavior is undefined. By default, the key-value pairs extracted from ``s`` are combined into a `dict` with later occurrences of a key overriding previous occurrences of the same key. To change this behavior, pass a callable as the ``object_pairs_hook`` argument; it will be called with one argument, a generator of ``(key, value)`` pairs representing the key-value entries in ``s`` (including duplicates) in order of occurrence. `loads_xml` will then return the value returned by ``object_pairs_hook``. :param Union[str,bytes] s: the string from which to read the XML properties document :param callable object_pairs_hook: class or function for combining the key-value pairs :rtype: `dict` or the return value of ``object_pairs_hook`` :raises ValueError: if the root of the XML tree is not a ``<properties>`` tag or an ``<entry>`` element is missing a ``key`` attribute """ elem = ET.fromstring(s) return object_pairs_hook(_fromXML(elem))
def _fromXML(root: ET.Element) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, str]]: if root.tag != 'properties': raise ValueError('XML tree is not rooted at <properties>') for entry in root.findall('entry'): key = entry.get('key') if key is None: raise ValueError('<entry> is missing "key" attribute') yield (key, entry.text or '')
[docs]def dump_xml( props: Union[Mapping[str,str], Iterable[Tuple[str,str]]], fp: BinaryIO, comment: Optional[str] = None, encoding: str = 'UTF-8', sort_keys: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Write a series ``props`` of key-value pairs to a binary filehandle ``fp`` in the format of an XML properties file. The file will include both an XML declaration and a doctype declaration. :param props: A mapping or iterable of ``(key, value)`` pairs to write to ``fp``. All keys and values in ``props`` must be `str` values. If ``sort_keys`` is `False`, the entries are output in iteration order. :param BinaryIO fp: a file-like object to write the values of ``props`` to :param Optional[str] comment: if non-`None`, ``comment`` will be output as a ``<comment>`` element before the ``<entry>`` elements :param str encoding: the name of the encoding to use for the XML document (also included in the XML declaration) :param bool sort_keys: if true, the elements of ``props`` are sorted lexicographically by key in the output :return: `None` """ # This gives type errors <>: #fptxt = codecs.lookup(encoding).streamwriter(fp, errors='xmlcharrefreplace') #print('<?xml version="1.0" encoding={0} standalone="no"?>' # .format(quoteattr(encoding)), file=fptxt) #for s in _stream_xml(props, comment, sort_keys): # print(s, file=fptxt) fp.write( '<?xml version="1.0" encoding={0} standalone="no"?>\n' .format(quoteattr(encoding)) .encode(encoding, 'xmlcharrefreplace') ) for s in _stream_xml(props, comment, sort_keys): fp.write((s + '\n').encode(encoding, 'xmlcharrefreplace'))
[docs]def dumps_xml( props: Union[Mapping[str,str], Iterable[Tuple[str,str]]], comment: Optional[str] = None, sort_keys: bool = False, ) -> str: """ Convert a series ``props`` of key-value pairs to a `str` containing an XML properties document. The document will include a doctype declaration but not an XML declaration. :param props: A mapping or iterable of ``(key, value)`` pairs to serialize. All keys and values in ``props`` must be `str` values. If ``sort_keys`` is `False`, the entries are output in iteration order. :param Optional[str] comment: if non-`None`, ``comment`` will be output as a ``<comment>`` element before the ``<entry>`` elements :param bool sort_keys: if true, the elements of ``props`` are sorted lexicographically by key in the output :rtype: str """ return ''.join(s + '\n' for s in _stream_xml(props, comment, sort_keys))
def _stream_xml( props: Union[Mapping[str,str], Iterable[Tuple[str,str]]], comment: Optional[str] = None, sort_keys: bool = False, ) -> Iterator[str]: yield '<!DOCTYPE properties SYSTEM "">' yield '<properties>' if comment is not None: yield '<comment>' + escape(comment) + '</comment>' for k,v in itemize(props, sort_keys=sort_keys): yield '<entry key={0}>{1}</entry>'.format(quoteattr(k), escape(v)) yield '</properties>'